Looking for someone who is into exploring and into a woman's body, gets off by touching a womans body and spreading my ass and running your hands up my legs, and cant help but to slide in when Im wet and use me to cum hard.
If you don't have a photo don't bother, if you're trying to set up and meet for a hookup for money , I'm not interested! Nakest oldest women. I do play with couples but straight play only.
No chance of single males Brooks, CA playing with us on their own. Healthy food is so great. Happy to sit and enjoy a conversation while having a glass of wine or going all the way.
I'm very honest and expect the same, I don't judge anyone. I like uncut guys.Physically fit and confident. Black men eatin ass and pussy licking deep. Out to live life and enjoy it! It is also good if he has a decent job and supports himsef..I am not a sugardaddy.
A fellow swinger, FWB, and lay back kind of person.